
The Wonders of Private Well Water

By Sheryl Bjorn posted 11-09-2017 01:15

The EPA estimates that around 15 percent of Americans get their water from a private well source, and the Canadian Well Water Association (CWWA) suggests more than 25 percent of Canadian residents do the same. Wells today a far cry from the colonial-style stone basins where heroes like Lassie did their best work. Most modern wells are drilled and outfitted with a pump to force groundwater into the plumbing of a home.

So we have established well water is far from uncommon, which means some homeowners' ever-growing to-do list just grew by one : testing the well water. Why you? In the U.S., for example, private wells with less than 25 service connections are not monitored by any city, county, state or federal agency.

Well water, by and large, is safe to drink and use for laundry, bathing and washing the dishes. But it can be vulnerable if left unchecked. Private wells simply do not enjoy the same regulation as a municipal water supply.

Homes that suffer from either or both, are rarely surprised when told there is a water issue. Iron comes in many forms and can make water taste while leaving its mark on porcelain, cleaning and plumbing fixtures. Hydrogen sulfide in water creates a pungent bouquet reminiscent of rotten eggs whenever the faucet is turned on.

But not all contaminants so readily give themselves up for easy identification.

Other contaminants that may infiltrate some private wells include arsenic, and radon - all of which can be tasteless and odorless. Furthermore, the seasons themselves can work against owners. In late spring and early summer, heavy rains and flooding can unlock contaminants held at bay during the winter months. Those contaminants may then find themselves in groundwater and affect deeply drilled water wells.

Not all contamination is naturally-occurring either. Nitrates, for example, are capturing headlines throughout Iowa after contamination spikes are being blamed on agricultural run-off.

Water should be one of the biggest considerations when moving because of all the different factors that may change day-to-day or season-to-season. Culligan recently lent its expertise to the Allstate blog outlining a few key ways new homeowners can ensure some peace of mind, including researching common water problems in your area and getting the water tested by a trusted professional.

Have questions about your well water? Just yell "Hey Culligan Man!"
